March 11, 2017 Conceptual, Exhibition, Journal 0

VATOS is the winner of design competition “The best wooden chair” organized by DikFagus.

On 11 March 2017 was the promotion night of the competition for “Best wooden chair design” organized by Dik Fagus.’s “Vatos” for Dik Fagus win the 1st place and first time was shown for visitors.

40 great designs applicate for design competition “the best wooden chair” organized by Dik Fagus. On 11 March 2017 was promo night at The Gallery Cafe – Skopje.

Vatos is the winner, 1st place!

VATOS was the winner of design competition for “The best wooden chair” organized by Dik Fagus. With this product, KUNST.’s founder was the winner of the “Young Designer Award”.

This is an example of a modern and simple chair inspired from nature, exactly from Vatos fish (Dasyatis Pastinaca). Creation a piece of furniture which includes basic details from Vatos fish and correspond with all expressions of this fish.

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